Functions of Teleconferencing and their use

Do you know what is Teleconferencing? And where is it used? Hello friends, I am Technical Majid and I welcome all of you to this new post. If you want to get complete information about Teleconferencing, then read this post till the end.  

What is Teleconferencing

Teleconferencing refers to the interaction between three or more persons via an electronic medium. 

Tele means distant place and conferencing means communication, conversation or conference. Thus tele conferencing means - distant communication or remote conference. There are more than two participants in tele conferencing. 

These participants need not be located at one location, they can be located anywhere in the world, but they must be connected to a network. 

Whether this network is of telephone lines or of the internet. In 1960, American Telephone and Telegraph first conducted teleconferencing through its Picturephone device. 

There are basically three types of teleconferencing devices - the first are those that allow only audio conferencing and text communication, and are used over telephone lines. 

the second , those that also allow video conferencing, and the third, those that allow communication in text form via computer terminals. 


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Tele conferencing is a form of?

In the simplest form of teleconferencing, there must be at least three people and all three people are connected in such a way that the statement of one person can be heard by the other two. All these people are at different places, but by doing teleconferencing they can talk in the same way, 

as if they were located at one place. The main advantage of teleconferencing is that it reduces communication costs. 

This saving occurs because all the people do not need to travel and gather at one place to have a conversation  

According to a statistical estimate, teleconferencing has reduced business travel expenses by about 30%. Another benefit of this is, 

That a person who is unable to physically attend a conference can also join in this important conversation through this. 

One of the main drawbacks of teleconferencing is that it can be disrupted due to technical faults in the network. It requires a healthy network and updated hardware and software. We cannot negotiate through it. 

If the other party is not interested in the negotiation, he/she can switch off his/her conferencing device; whereas if the conversation is done face-to-face, he/she is bound to listen to us. Still, teleconferencing is a very useful facility. 

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Final Word

Friends, I hope you have got complete information about  tele conferencing , if you have any question, you can ask by commenting

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